Sarah Weber, P. GEO., MBA

President & CEO

Sarah Weber is a Professional Geoscientist with over 20 years of diversified experience in the natural resource sector. She has recently completed an Executive MBA Candidate at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Sarah has extensive experience working with Indigenous Communities and government within BC.  Prior to C3, Sarah was the Communications Director at the Association for Mineral Exploration and served as a senior technical editor. She is skilled at community engagement and communications, and has experience in media relations, project management, policy development, and conference management.  Sarah joined C3 Alliance Corp. in 2013 in the capacity of Chief Operating Officer and took on the role of President and CEO in 2019 where she provides leadership in building positive relationships between industry, Chambers of Commerce, municipal governments, Provincial governments, Indigenous communities, and NGOs.

Prior to working with C3 Alliance Corp., Sarah worked as a consultant, permitting multi-year mineral exploration projects in the Yukon and British Columbia. Sarah was with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC) as the Director, Communications and Member Services, and the editor of Mineral Exploration magazine. She also participated as industry representative to the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Advisory Board and worked as an exploration and engineering geologist in both the mining and transportation industries.